Thursday, July 1, 2010

bake day!

for the first time,
carrot cake
cream cheese icing + orange zest

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

a day at the office

me & mum

do i look good in this picture?

this is my mum's office.
she is the headmistress of SK DESA TASIK
that day was when we had no internet at home
i wanted to check my 2nd semester result.

really enjoyed it.

penyakit-penyakit umat dahulu

daripada Abu Hurairah r.a, katanya :

Aku mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda "Umatku akan ditimpa penyakit-penyakit yang pernah menimpa umat-umat dahulu". Sahabat bertanya "Apakah penyakit-penyakit umat terdahulu itu?", Nabi s.a.w. menjawab, "Penyakit-penyakit itu ialah: (1) terlalu banyak seronok (2) terlalu mewah (3) menghimpun harta sebanyak mungkin (4) tipu-menipu dalam berebut harta benda dunia (5) saling memarahi (6) hasut menghasut sehingga menjadi zalim-menzalimi"

Monday, June 28, 2010


my mum : Zakinah Binti Ismail

"kenapa orang panggil Belanda Netherlands?"

"kalau orang memang panggil Netherlands, kenapa kita panggil belanda?"

"macam Malaysia, semua panggil Malaysia. Takde plak panggil lain. Tapi kenapa Netherlands, kita panggil belanda?"

"patutnya kata nama khas kan? panggil je la Netherlands."

Sunday, June 27, 2010

what is it with malay & politics??

According to Wikipedia :

Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda. Propaganda can be used as a form of political warfare.

malaysia. Is full of propaganda. I don't know about other places, but as it seems that I do live in Malaysia, so that is what i see. This is not a propaganda, but this is my observation of how Malaysia as a community works. Especially Malays. I can't say about other races as I am a Malay myself.

According to Wikipedia :

In Malaysia, the Malay population is defined by Article 160 of the Malaysian Constitution as someone born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore. This definition is loose enough to include people of a variety of ethnic backgrounds, and it therefore differs from the anthropological understanding of what constitutes an ethnic Malay. This understanding of the meaning of "Malay" in Malaysia has led to the creation of an ethnoreligious identity,[1] where it has been suggested that a Malay cannot convert out of Islam as illustrated in the Federal Court decision in the case of Lina Joy.[2] As of 2004, Malays made up an estimated 64.5% of the population of Malaysia. It is predicted that this proportion will rise due to birth rates higher than other ethnic groups.

As we are the majority, it seems as we control the community. I have not opened my eyes to the politics of Malaysia because I, myself have difficulty in developing my brains to adapt to my own body, way of thinking & my social life. But as I grew up to where I am, these things matters. Furthermore, I will be 21; will register to vote.

I once remembered that I DO NOT WANT TO VOTE. why? i can't exactly remember but i remember of telling people that i do not wish to vote at all. to me, my vote doesn't count because of all the people around, we will know who will win. But, the last voting season has shown a big difference where the opposition has won a lot of area's but are still run by the government. Not saying that i vote the opposition but it showed me that my vote do count. =)

this may offend some people especially if they are fanatic of the government party or the opposition. but truly, i have to stress that THIS IS JUST FROM MY POINT OF VIEW as a teenager (still right? even i'm 20? ha ha.). what i have viewed from the news and all, the government party are all propaganda. whilst the opposition are nothing. In the news papers, in televisions all talked about are the government party & putting on bad names towards the opposition. once, Najib said that the people of the government party should not fight against each other but should talk bad things (or so) about the opposition. why? why i ask? can't they just do their things and leave alone the opposition? are they afraid? that they do need to talk bad about the opposition? i really don't understand. as a citizen (that don't really bother of politics) i wonder what is going on with the opposition. what are their activities? what are on their agenda etc etc... the only way to know is to buy their newspaper or go to their talk.

i don't understand at all how things work in politic. i talk bad about you, you talk bad about me. is that it? then some bribe here there. aren't they supposed to act professional & as an adult? i think they are like me & my girlfriends during high school. =) how are these people suppose to be a role model when they themselves can't settle their differences? as parents, yes maybe. but leaders in politics, they are the faces in televisions, posters etc etc & still??? God~!

Malays. what can i say? Malay who are raised truly as Malay without mixture or good education are ill minded. they can't think out of the box, they can't think good or bad and can't even think about anyone else but their own selfish life. why do i say this? this morning to late in the afternoon, there was a football tournament at my area's field. It is very big & very full of people. now. there's no problem with that because IT IS healthy. the UNHEALTHY part was the rubbish that they have made. it was all over the side of the field. plastic bottles here & there. food wrappers & polistrine. uncivilized people! rather stupid actually. why can't they just think? YOU MADE THE RUBBISH, YOU PICK UP THE RUBBISH & THROW IT IN A DUSTBIN~ i was really angry of that & would really like to jump out of the car & really shout "OTAK TARUK MANE LU ORANG??? LUTUT??? AKU RASE LUPE BAWAK KUT OTAK KORANG~!!!" not very polite actually, but these are uncivilized people. Why can't Malays for once, JUST ONCE open up their mind to their surroundings. see. look. hear. listen. to what is around them.

Another stupid story i have from my own experience is during a sport event in my resident college (MAWAR). early in the morning we were given a drink & bread. the drink was from Drinho. i was sitting nearby this girl & her friends.


me?? bodoh! terang-terang kat kotak cakap "Kurang Gula" or "Less Sugar".

another one is the uncivilized people of UiTM shah alam getting on the bus. why? RAMPAGE!!! all the cows, the bull, the elephant & the little chick will run (and i mean RUN!) towards the bus & actually it takes few minutes to get on the bus but due to the rampage it really takes longer than it should. So called UNIVERSITY STUDENT ey? what the heck....

well. this is the end. i can't figure what else to say. but I know there are a lot more. =) think about it. are you civilized or just plain old Malay?