I did my intersesi from 16 may to 20th June.. I did ok i guess. But i didn't do well on my final semester's exam. My pointer dropped to 3.33 from 3.49... =( however, Thank Allah that my CGPA did not drop even though it only rise 0.06... being 3.18.... well, if i do well in the intersesi and Hoping to Allah that it will raise my pointer like it did during my last intersesi (0.11) Insyaallah I will get a CGPA of 3.29. Please pray for me!
I will update my post from now on. Next semester will be something new where my course will be moving to PUNCAK ALAM CAMPUS! haish. Still finding homes. =)
p/s: my house is doing some renovation, am busy cleaning up n making it a better home! Will also update on this! hee